About Us
Located in Southeastern Michigan, All-Pro Medical Supply, Inc. is a professional, Veteran and nurse owned home medical equipment and supply provider. All-Pro Medical Supply has grown into a nationwide distributor. Other companies may offer similar services, but our services come with a personal touch. All-Pro Medical Supply’s customer service is the main focus to fulfill your satisfaction and educate you about your medical equipment and supply. Here at All-Pro Medical Supply, we treat our customers like family. With over thirty years of experience between our registered nurses and nutritionists, All-Pro Medical Supply provides a full range of medical supplies and services to fit your needs. We strive to supply individuals, families, nursing homes, nursing agencies, hospice, health care facilities and institutions with the best quality of product, knowledge, service and expertise. Our health care industry is ever changing and All-Pro Medical Supply is here to keep you educated. Your care is our main focus!
What We Offer:
All Pro Medical Supply has Quality Medical Products to fit your needs, no matter what the case may be! Don’t hesitate to contact us and get in touch with our customer service or registered nurses to help you find what will fit you best. All-Pro Medical has the resources and knowledge available to help you in anyway. If you have questions or concerns regarding any of the below products or services we offer, please contact us @ (877) 315-1157 or sales@allpromedicalsupply.com. Our medical professionals are waiting to hear from you!
Equipment & Services:
- Bathroom Safety Products
- Mobility Products
- Incontinence Products
- Breast Pumps
- Wound Care Supply
- Wheelchairs
- Walkers
- Power Chairs
- Scooters
- Nutrition Supplement & Support
- Oxygen Therapy
- CPAP Therapy
- BIPAP Therapy
- Nebulizers
- Hospital Beds
- Pressure Relief Mattresses & Cushions
- Lift Chairs
- Patient Track & Lift Systems
- Ramps and Installation
- Home Remodifications-Handicap Accessible
Our excellence in quality, professional service can help you receive the type of care you’re entitled to. Our main goal is to improve both your health and well-being.